6 Weeks of Fitness x Rockstar Lifestyle

by Daniella Grace in , ,

Hey everyone! I wanted to share with you all a new fitness program I recently started that I am completely obsessed with, it's called Rockstar Lifestyle. After a few months of traveling and really living out this summer to the fullest, I realized my body was in dire need of a detox and a little "maintenance". So I figured what better way to do so than with a 6 week bootcamp program that focuses on 3 key things: nutrition, physical training and mental strength. I know a few people who have already completed this course, and there's no doubt this program works. Seeing their results is what inspired my butt to jump right in.. Below are a few photos before starting the bootcamp and I will be posting progress pictures as I go.

These photos were taken at the beginning of the course. Will post progress pictures soon.

So the regimen goes a little something like this:

Every day I'm counting calories.. (1543 to be exact) And making sure I get the proper amount of macronutrients (Carbs/Protein/Fat) by the end of each day. Yes, I feel a little bit like a maniac weighing all my meals (even the almonds I snack on haha) but I know if I follow the guidelines, I'm guaranteed the results.

Then there's the physical training.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings we train for 1.5 hrs on the beach. The routines we do are in no way shape or form easy (hence the bootcamp) but 2 trainers are there to make sure we do every single move precisely, thoroughly and safely. Our workouts are all circuit style training, which means, you are doing a series of exercise, in rotation at a high intensity with minimal rest.

And then there's my favorite part, the recovery days! A common mistake I've made in the past is thinking, the more days I train, the better my results will be. But in this case, more is actually not better. The rest days, I'm learning, are just as important as the training days. While following the proper nutrition guide, taking the correct supplements (like whey protein, omega 3 and multi vitamins), getting lots of rest and sleep, you're actually helping build and recover your muscles in your down time.

I'm well into my second week now and I've already noticed a drastic difference in my energy levels. My mood is much more upbeat and my body is feeling toned, lean and strong. I can't wait to see what changes take place over the next few weeks! I'll be updating you guys on my progress!

Ok that's all for now. Got to run to training!💪🏼

Giving Back with Tom's

by Daniella Grace in

I've always been a big supporter of non profits and philanthropy work which is why, today, I've decided to highlight a company that I have the utmost love and respect for and who have excelled in the giving back department. That company is Tom's. CEO Blake Mycoskie set out with a simple vision of giving back to people in need by creating a "One for One" business model where every pair of shoe's purchased, Tom's will match by giving a pair to a child in need. And in just a short time, that quickly evolved into "coffee for water", "sunglasses for eyesite" and "bags for safe childbirth." It's amazing how a concept so simple has been so successful in changing 50 million lives in 5 continents in just 10 years! This just goes to show that miraculous things can happen with just a little inspiration and a good heart.

You can see more on how Tom's gives back on www.toms.com


Maui Wowie

by Daniella Grace in , ,

Here's a little collage from my latest trip to Maui. It's no secret this place has become like a second home to me.. I can give you guys 10Million reasons why this place is so magical but the number one reason, to me, is the people. Maui is home to so many talented artists and designers and I feel so fortunate to have collaborated and become dear friends with many of them. My go to photographer, Frank Berthout, who is responsible for the majority of my images, is one of those people. He has an eye for photography like I've never seen.. And to be honest, when we first met (yeaarrrs ago) it was because I was really just a HUGE fan of his work. At that time he was only shooting underwater photography but when I noticed one of his photos (of a whale) in a coffee shop, I knew I had to get in touch with him.. So I reached out and we decided to do a test shoot. It was his first time shooting a model and my first time shooting underwater.. We were both completely out of our elements but decided to just wing it and we somehow created the most beautiful images. And since that day we've collaborated on numerous campaigns together and continue to do so. 

Also, most of the jewelry you'll see me wearing is made by my very good friend and local designer, Olia. She draws her inspiration from the raw elements of the island and seamlessly mixes natural stones with black lava rock, wood, pyrite and sometimes even bone. No matter where I am in the world, I always make sure and bring a few of Olia's custom made pieces with me, that way I always carry a little bit of Maui and my friends with my everywhere I go..  


Jewelry - ByOlia // Pink Bikini - Imrie // Black Bikini - Dos Gardenias 

Intimissimi x Daniella

by Daniella Grace in ,

It's no secret that I have an undying love for pretty, little lingerie.. So I'm very excited to share with you this collaboration I did with my favorite Italian lingeire line, Intimissimi. Not only do they make the most comfortable underwear but I love how unique all their sets are and how affordable it is to boot. Intimissimi, in my eyes, has managed to keep the balance between sexy and comfortable enabling women to wear these adorable pieces throughout the day as well as the night. I can't wait to add more to my collection! 💋




by Daniella Grace in

2015 you've been an increddddible year! There's so much I want to say but I'll try and keep it short. This year has taught me a lot about patience, perseverance and (as cheesy as it sounds) to always stay true to my heart.

To my family, friends and agents, you guys are responsible for me always keeping this "gigantic" smile on my face.. I love you all so, so much! Thank you for your continued love and support. Here's to another year of chasing dreams, staying inspired through meeting new people and discovering more of this beautiful world! I hope you all will do the same! #2016, I'm ready for ya! ✨


Roaming With Reef

by Daniella Grace in , , ,

Between countless days of being a complete beach bum, climbing waterfalls, hiking through the Na'ili'ili bamboo forest and road tripping the windy road to Hana these adorable flats by Reef have been here with me in Hawaii every step of the way! And in a day these cute little puppies and I will be hoping on a plane back to LA.. I wonder where my adventures will take us to next..!? Aloha 💙 


Photos by Franck Berthuot | @frankiebees


by Daniella Grace in , ,

Yesterday we took a little drive up to the north shore. Only very few people live on this side but there's something really magical about this part of the island. From the vibrantly green mountains, to the rocky cliffs and a few white sand beaches in between this place has a unique way of making you feel welcomed by it's organic nature.

While we were visiting, I heard news of the passing of Nelson Mandela and found it to be very ironic that I had run across this natural heart engraved rock at that time. Mandela was symbolic of freedom and equality and has taught us that it is possible to create a lasting change through first making the change within ourselves. “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”  This courageous man has influenced not only his nation but the world. May we strive to continue his legacy and never forget what he stood for. 

Open your hearts and share the love..


“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

May he rest in peace.